Sediment Recycling Workshop

February 2012

Hurst Spit © New Forest District Council

The third workshop in the series “Andy’s Workshops: A Problem Shared” was held at the National Oceanography Centre on 3rd February 2012. The theme was focused on the practicalities and costs of sediment recycling.

Approximately 50 officers – coastal engineers and scientists – attended the workshop, which commenced with Professor Andrew Bradbury providing background information on the basic principles of sediment recycling. Speakers then talked about sediment recycling on their frontages.

The workshop came to a close with a question and answers session, whereby officers submitted a question together with a photo of a sediment recycling event they wanted to discuss.


Beach Recyling - Introduction

PDF (4Mb) / Andy Bradbury, Director of the Channel Coastal Observatory and Coastal Project Manager at New Forest District Council

Pevensey Sea Defences PPP - Beach Recycling

PDF (4Mb) / Ian Thomas, Project Manager, Pevensey Coastal Defence Ltd

Beach Management - Hayling Island

PDF (3Mb) / Marc Bryan, Coastal Engineer, Havant, Portsmouth and Gosport Coastal Partnership

East Beach Recycling, West Bay

PDF (3Mb) / Neil Watson, Coastal Engineer, Environment Agency and Simon Hills, Coastal Technical Specialist, Environment Agency

Shingle Recycling at Hurst Spit

PDF (11Mb) / Peter Ferguson, New Forest District Council

Bournemouth Sediment Recycling

PDF (3Mb) / Dave Harlow, Bournemouth Borough Council

The aim of the "Andy’s Workshops: A Problem Shared" series is for officers to share best practice and to assist operating authorities with basic skills development. The target audience is both experienced engineers (to share knowledge) and those new to or about to join the industry. The series is named in honour of Professor Andy Bradbury, Director of the Channel Coastal Observatory, Chairman of the Southern Coastal Group and technical advisor to SCOPAC.