Visit to HR Wallingford, Oxford

September 2014

© HR Wallingford

As part of the Reducing Regional Flood and Erosion Risk from Wave Action on the Channel Coast project, SCOPAC members and officers were given the opportunity to visit the physical modelling test facility at HR Wallingford in Oxford on Friday 12th September 2014.

Delegates were taken on a tour of the facility and were able to view a physical model of Chesil Spit being tested for various bi-modal wave conditions to understand when it is most vulnerable to erosion and overwashing processes.

The results from the case studies tested as part of the project will improve coastal management decisions and flood forecasting throughout central southern England.


EA funding, wider context

PDF (7Mb) / Dr Uwe Dornbusch, Environment Agency

Waves, wave buoys and data

PDF (5Mb) / Dr Travis Mason and Jack Eade, Channel Coastal Observatory 

Preliminary results

PDF (2Mb) / Dr Tim Pullen, HR Wallingford
Investigation of beach profile and wave run-up under bimodal sea state

Presentations were followed by a discussion entitled ‘Do results confirm what we expected?’ led by Jonathan Simm of HR Wallingford.

SCOPAC would like to thank the speakers for their excellent talks.