Planning for the Impacts of Coastal Change Workshop

September 2011

© New Forest District Council

Shoreline Management Plans, Planning & Coastal Change Management Areas

A joint Southern Coastal Group and SCOPAC workshop was held at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton on the 14th September 2011.

The key aim of the workshop was to raise awareness that the coastal erosion and flood risk areas determined through the second round Shoreline Management Plans can often provide the best available scientific evidence to underpin the designation of Coastal Change Management Areas and development of planning policies.

Twenty two different authorities were represented by coastal engineering officers, planners and elected members, with approximately half of the 50 attendees from Planning Departments.


Shoreline Management Plans, Planning and Coastal Change Management Areas

PDF (2Mb) / Professor Andy Bradbury, Director of the Channel Coast Observatory and Coastal Projects Manager at New Forest District Council

Planning and Coastal Change Management Areas

PDF (1Mb) / Mike Allgrove, Assistant Head of Planning Services, Portsmouth City Council

Application of coastal monitoring data to identify flood & erosion risk areas in SMPs

PDF (4Mb) / Andrew Colenutt, Coastal Projects Officer, New Forest District Council / Channel Coast Observatory

Coastal Change Management Areas

PDF (1Mb) / Edward Gerry, Planning Policy Officer, New Forest District Council

Communicating the risk of coastal erosion

PDF (1Mb) / John O’Flynn, Coastal Engineer, Environment Agency

The Habitat Creation Programme in the Solent

PDF (3Mb) / Emily Allison, South East Habitat Creation Programme, Environment Agency