Incident Management Workshop
January 2015

The sixth workshop in the series “Andy’s Workshops: A Problem Shared”, covered Incident Management and was held at the National Oceanagraphy Centre on 9th January 2015.
The aim of the workshop series is to share best practice and to assist operating authorities with basic skills development.
The talks focused on the following aspects of incident management at the coast:
- What is classed as an incident and how is it categorised as major, minor etc?
- What triggers a major incident?
- Who formally makes it a major incident?
- What are the protocols to follow?
- What happens in reality?
- Who is involved in incident management?
Case studies of incident management from the recent 2013/2014 winter storms were presented for Chesil beach, Milford, Lymington, Portsmouth, Hayling Island, Broadmarsh and Wallington River.
Introduction to the Workshop
PDF (2Mb) / Neil Watson, Coastal Engineer and Chairman of the Southern Coastal Group
Incident management protocols
PDF (1Mb) / Sarah Comely, Incident Management Business Partner, Environment Agency
Incident planning and response
PDF (3Mb) / John Elliott, Resilience Team Leader, Environment Agency
Chesil beach case study
PDF (2Mb) / Grant Armfield, Emergency Planning Manager, West Dorset, Weymouth & Portland
Valentines Day storm incident management
PDF (11Mb) / Peter Ferguson, New Forest District Council
Examples of incident management on the Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership frontage
PDF (2Mb) / Caroline Barford & Caroline Timlett, Coastal Engineers, ESCP
The workshop came to a close with a question and answers session, whereby delegates submitted a question together with a photo relating to incident management on the coast.
The aim of the "Andy’s Workshops: A Problem Shared" series is for officers to share best practice and to assist operating authorities with basic skills development. The target audience is both experienced engineers (to share knowledge) and those new to or about to join the industry. The series is named in honour of Professor Andy Bradbury, Director of the Channel Coastal Observatory, Chairman of the Southern Coastal Group and technical advisor to SCOPAC.