Timber Groyne Workshop
March 2010

© BCP Council
The first workshop in the series “Andy’s Workshops: A Problem Shared” marks the start of the forthcoming SCOPAC ‘Maintenance of Coastal Structures’ research project.
Entitled The Nuts and Bolts of Timber Groynes the workshop was held at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, with approximately 30 officers – coastal engineers and scientists – attending.
The morning came to a close with a Q&A session, during which the majority of attendees submitted a question and photo of a timber groyne that they wanted to discuss. Detailed notes of the presentations and Q&A session – which will feed directly into the project – can be downloaded below:
The Nuts and Bolts of Timber Groynes
PDF (4Mb) / Professor Andy Bradbury provided background information on the origins and purpose of timber groynes
NFDC Groyne Maintenance - recent advances
PDF (7Mb) / Peter Ferguson, New Forest District Council Coastal Group
Bournemouth's Groynes
PDF (3Mb) / Dr David Harlow, BCP Council (formerly Bournemouth Borough Council)
Minutes including Q&As
PDF (1Mb)
The aim of the "Andy’s Workshops: A Problem Shared" series is for officers to share best practice and to assist operating authorities with basic skills development. The target audience is both experienced engineers (to share knowledge) and those new to or about to join the industry. The series is named in honour of Professor Andy Bradbury, Director of the Channel Coastal Observatory, Chairman of the Southern Coastal Group and technical advisor to SCOPAC.