Rock Groyne Workshop
January 2011

Branksome Beach, Poole © BCP Council
The second workshop in the series “Andy’s Workshops: A Problem Shared” entitled The Design and Construction of Rock Groynes was held at the National Oceanography Centre on 5th January.
Approximately 30 officers – coastal engineers and scientists – attended the morning workshop, which commenced with Professor Andrew Bradbury providing background information on the basic principles of rock groyne design. The morning came to a close with a question and answers session, whereby attendees submitted a question and photo of a rock groyne which they wanted to discuss.
Detailed notes of the presentations and Q&A session are available to download below:
Basic Principles of Rock Groyne Design
PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt file, 7Mb) / Professor Andy Bradbury
Rock armour construction - Eastern Solent
PDF (6Mb) / Matt Hosey, Senior Coastal Engineer, Havant, Portsmouth and Gosport Coastal Partnership
Coast Protection and Rock Groynes in Poole
PDF (5Mb) / Dave Robson, Senior Engineer, BCP Council (formerly Borough of Poole)
Conventional design versus low cost structures
PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt file, 10Mb) / Professor Andy Bradbury
Minutes including Q&As
PDF (1Mb)
Positive feedback suggested it was an informative morning and the majority of attendees expressed interest in any forthcoming SCOPAC workshops.
The aim of the "Andy’s Workshops: A Problem Shared" series is for officers to share best practice and to assist operating authorities with basic skills development. The target audience is both experienced engineers (to share knowledge) and those new to or about to join the industry. The series is named in honour of Professor Andy Bradbury, Director of the Channel Coastal Observatory, Chairman of the Southern Coastal Group and technical advisor to SCOPAC.