Coastal Structure Toe Management Workshop
December 2011

Milford Seawall © New Forest District Council
HR Wallingford are currently undertaking a study on behalf of the Environment Agency to document best practice for the management of toe scour at coastal structures.
A workshop was held at the National Oceanography Centre on the 16th December to collate local engineering experience. Given that most beach managers are maintaining 50 year old structures rather than building new ones, the workshop was extremely useful at providing examples of toe scour and maintenance strategies for repairing the damage.
Any new guidance will benefit from these practical examples.
Coast Structure Toe Management
PDF (5Mb) / Professor Andy Bradbury
Case Study: West Beach Selsey Seawall Failure & Recovery
PDF (5Mb) / David Lowsley, Chichester District Council
Case Study: Milford Seawall Repairs
PDF (10Mb) / Peter Ferguson, New Forest District Council
Minutes - Commentary & Conclusion
PDF (1Mb)