On 20th May 2022 the Southern Coastal Group and SCOPAC held a webinar to launch the Crown Estate and British Marine Aggregate Producers Association (BMAPA) aggregate dredging brochure.
Approximately 30 officers and members attended the webinar to hear more about aggregate dredging in Dorset, Hampshire, Sussex and the IOW, for which many of our Beach Management Plans and coastal schemes are reliant on.

A big thank you to Mark Russell (BMAPA), Andrew Bellamy (Tarmac) and Nick Everington (Crown Estate) for putting the brochure together to assist with any public concerns or perceptions of aggregate dredging across our coastal group.
The brochure explains why our region is so rich in aggregates and provides an overview of the licences and consents required before and after dredging, along with the monitoring protocols in place.
Download the brochure (PDF, 7Mb)
This is one of a series of four regional brochures to describe the geological evolution of local coastlines, the geological origins of the offshore sand and gravel resources that are being dredged and the influence of the modern day waves and tides on both these deposits and the coastline. Information is also provided about the scale of marine aggregate dredging that is taking place, how the activity is assessed, regulated and monitored and how similar activities are controlled in other European countries.
- Other regional brochures are available to download at www.bmapa.org/issues/coastal_erosion.php.
- Alternatively hard copies may be requested by contacting bmapa@mineralproducts.org