Comprehensive update to Planning Practice Guidance on flood risk and coastal change
Published on 27 August, 2022

From Rachel Hill MBE, Flood and Coastal Risk Manager at the Environment Agency’s Flood and Coastal Risk Management Directorate, Bristol

This week the government published a comprehensive update to the Flood Risk and coastal change scetion of the Planning Practice Guidance:

    The update covers a range of issues, but improved guidance on coast has been included on:

    • Safeguarding land for future flood risk management infrastructure (e.g. managed realignment sites)
    • Unsustainable locations and how planning can support transition away to more sustainable locations
    • The use of Shoreline Management Plans and Coastal Change Management Areas
    • The need for coastal change vulnerability assessments in support of relevant planning applications

    Why the PPG has been updated

    This update follows government’s Review of policy for development in areas at flood risk which committed to a ‘significantly revised and updated’ flood risk planning practice guidance. Changes were also needed as a result of updates to the NPPF and following other reviews such as the Jenkins Review, Public Accounts Committee review and EFRA Committee review.

    Local authority planners should be aware of the changes and your first port of call for any questions.