SCOPAC Papers & Publications

Download the ACCESS project report

SCOPAC and The Southern Coastal Group

The importance of working together

Launched March 2019

This document has been developed to showcase the work of SCOPAC and the SCG and to illustrate why now, more than ever, the continuation and reinvigoration of the groups is paramount to ensure we continue to work together effectively to face these new challenges.

Download the SCOPAC & SCG Booklet (PDF, 7Mb). 

Download the ACCESS project report

SCOPAC Non-Technical Guide to Coastal Risk Management (2nd edition)

Launched at the House of Commons, April 2009

The eighty page guide was written by Professor Robin McInnes OBE, Chairman of SCOPAC’s Technical Officer Group 1995-2009, and updates an earlier version by the same author, first published in 2004.

Launch event and Executive Summary of the Guide

Download the ACCESS project report

ACCESS Study Project Report

Adapting to Coastal Change along England’s Southern Shorelines

Launched November 2011

This project addressed the need for more refined assessments of the methodologies currently applied in Shoreline Management Plans and Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategies to ascertain coastal erosion risk and identify and value the assets at risk, looking ahead over the next one hundred years.

Download the ACCESS project report (PDF, 5Mb).

Launch event details & presentations

Download the ACCESS project report

Preparing for the Impacts of Climate Change

Summary Report 2001

SCOPAC commissioned this research study in the belief that “the question of climate change impacts is probably the most important issue to be faced by coastal local authorities and communities they represent, alongside other organisations, in the coastal zone.”

Download the Summary Report 2001 (PDF)