Group News & Updates
EA webinar: behavioural insights, flood resilience, and public action
Thursday, 26th Sept, 13:00-14:00. The FCERM research team at the EA are hosting a webinar to share their findings exploring the theme 'why people do/n't act to improve flood resilience'. Open to any FCERM practitioners (including RMAs) interested in understanding more about action and flood resilience ...
A new shared service for managing Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk across the South West
BCP Council and East Devon District Council have established a new shared service; 'South West Flood & Coastal' will provide a coordinated approach to flood and coastal erosion risks to their local communities, as well as offering their expertise across the South West ...
Mind the gap: finding better protections for coastal communities
When climate action group One Home studied the UK’s shoreline management plans it found gaps in both protections and information ...
Christchurch Bay & Harbour Strategy consultation – Phase 5, summer 2023
Drop-in sessions, online event and survey; this fifth phase of consultation with the public & key stakeholders focuses on the proposed leading options for each of the 18 option development units ...
Overview of Solent Eutrophication and Recovery – Environment Agency report 2022
The report provides hope for the future of the Solent and its harbours by demonstrating that investment in nutrient reduction measures can, with time, result in positive changes for the environment ...
Tracer Pebble Studies Research webinar, 16th March
The Southern Coastal Group and SCOPAC will be holding a bitesize research webinar on Tracer Pebble Studies on the 16th March, to disseminate findings from a series of projects across the region sponsored by SCOPAC and carried out by Coastal Partners ...
Flood and Coastal Erosion: Understanding updates to the Planning Practice Guidance (webinar)
This 13th December webinar from the EA & TCPA will provide an essential overview of PPG updates and discuss the implications for local planning authorities & those involved with the flood risk, sustainable drainage (SuDS) or coastal change aspects of planning ...
Comprehensive update to Planning Practice Guidance on flood risk and coastal change
On 25th August the government published a comprehensive update to the Flood risk and coastal change section of the Planning Practice Guidance ...
CIWEM FCERM Policy Position Statement
This Policy Position Statement (PPS) presents CIWEM’s current position relating to flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) in the UK ...
North Portsea Island Scheme success at the 2022 Flood and Coast Excellence Awards
2022 Flood and Coast Excellence Award for North Portsea Island FCERM Scheme - Portsmouth City Council & Coastal Partners ...
Roadmap for the National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy for England
The Roadmap to 2026 contains practical actions we will take to achieve the ambitions in the Strategy and to tackle the growing threat of flooding from rivers, the sea, and surface water as well as coastal erosion ...
Crown Estate and BMAPA aggregate dredging brochure launch
Aggregate dredging and the coastlines of Dorset, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and Sussex: a regional perspective of marine sand and gravel off the coast of central southern England since the Ice Age ...