Lyme Regis Field Trip, June 2013

The 2013 SCOPAC field trip took elected members and officers to Lyme Regis, West Dorset.

Lyme Regis continues to face considerable challenges from coastal erosion and landsliding, with many properties destroyed or damaged over the last 100 years. The field trip coincided with a recent phase of landslide reactivation along the SCOPAC coastline and throughout the rest of the country.

The field trip focused on the works undertaken since the early 1990’s to prevent landsliding and coastal erosion.

Approximately 50 delegates attended the day which commenced with talks in Lyme Regis and a site visit to the Phase IV scheme works which are currently underway.


Councillor Mary Penfold (Chairperson of SCOPAC) introduced the event, followed by Professor Andy Bradbury (Chairman of the Southern Coastal Group) who provided the context of the day.

Background to landsliding and coastal erosion

PDF (6Mb) / Geoff Davis, Halcrow (Supervising Engineers)

Scheme history, partners and collaborative working

PDF (4Mb) / Nick Browning, Project Manager, West Dorset District Council

East Cliff from Long Entry - balancing the natural environment with scheme works

PDF (3Mb) / Richard Edmonds, West Dorset District Council

The engineering involved in delivering Phase IV

PDF (4Mb) / Chris Hill, Project Manager, Dean & Dyball Civil Engineering

SCOPAC would like to thank the speakers for their excellent talks and West Dorset District Council for helping the event to run smoothly.